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How Tailscale Works

Downloads: https://tailscale.com/download

  • For MacOS, there is an AppStore variant which you can install as an alternative.

Adding Devices to Network


Tailscale CLI

  • On Windows, you can ping devices on connected to your tailnet using the tailscale cli.
C:\Users\ardik>tailscale ping
  • On MacOS, you can also ping using the tailscale cli. On my system, I installed the AppStore variant, so I needed to make this alias:
$ alias tailscale="/Applications/Tailscale.localized/Tailscale.app/Contents/MacOS/Tailscale"

$ tailscale ping
pong from desktop-toreeks ( via DERP(nyc) in 148ms
pong from desktop-toreeks ( via DERP(nyc) in 62ms
pong from desktop-toreeks ( via DERP(nyc) in 53ms