Install and Enable ENA drivers for Nitro: Revision history

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27 August 2024

  • curprev 00:2800:28, 27 August 2024Ardika Sulistija talk contribs 12,477 bytes +12,477 Created page with " How do I install and enable the latest ENA driver for Enhanced Network Support on an Amazon EC2 instance running Red Hat 6/7?</br> ====How to launch RHEL 6 on Nitro-instance==== ---- Yes, it is possible to run RHEL 6 on Nitro-isntances (M5, C5, T3). I have tested this out using AMI: ami-0351faf7328fdb373 (RHEL 6.10 - HVM - Red Hat Provided, ENA: no). 1) First make sure NVMe driver is..."