DNS: Revision history

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21 August 2024

  • curprev 14:4614:46, 21 August 2024Ardika Sulistija talk contribs 16,419 bytes +16,419 Created page with "DNS (Domain Name Server) ====How I have my websites' DNS records set up==== ---- Before proceeding with the [https://dikapedia.com/wiki/SSL_/_TLS#How_to_install_Let.27s_Encrypt_with_Certbot_on_Amazon_Linux_2_.28Super_Easy.29 Let's Encrypt steps to configure SSL cert], I configured my DNS records with the following (on namecheap): * A record - @ - * A record - www - ====DNS==== ---- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System Good video..."