From DikapediaV2
rsync - A fast, versattile, remote (and local) file-copying tool. Like SCP, but faster and you can sync.
How to Use Rsync Between Remote and Local Servers
Basic SSH format:
rsync -avpe '[ssh]' [source] [destination@x.x.x.x:/dir/]
To copy from remote server to local host:
rsync -avpe "ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/key" /dir/file # Example: rsync -avpe "ssh -i /home/ardika/.ssh/home_vm_key" ardika@ /tmp/file
To copy from local host to remote server:
rsync -avpe "ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/key" /home/user/file user@rem.ote.i.p:/home/user/file # Example: rsync -avpe "ssh -i /home/ardika/.ssh/aws_key_ardika" /home/ardika/Documents/file ardika@