Red Hat Satellite

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How to Enable a Red Hat Repository in Satellite

  1. . Log in to RHEL Satellite
  2. . Go to Content > Red Hat Repositories
  3. . Find the Red Hat Repository you are looking for on the left side, "Available Repositories"
  4. . Then select it and click the plus "+" symbol. It will move it to the right, "Enabled Repositories".

How to create a new repository in Satellite

  1. . Go to Red Hat Satellite > Content > Product (select organization) > Software Center > Repositories > Click New Repository.
  2. . Then select/enter/check these settings:
    1. . Name: Rhel7_test_repro
    2. . Label: Rhel7_test_repro
    3. . Description
    4. . Type: file
    5. . Verify SSL
    6. . HTTP Proxy Policy: Global Default (None)
    7. . Unprotected
  3. . Hit Save
  4. . Then click on the new repository and upload binaries, rpm/tar packages, files, etc.

Managing Content Views

Red hat Satellite 6 uses Content Views to create customized repositories from the repositories. To do this, you must define which repositories to use and then apply certain filters to the content. These filters include both package filters, package group filters, and errata filters. You can use Content Views to define which software versions a particular environment uses. For example, a Production environment might use a Content View containing older package versions, while a Development environment might use a Content View containing newer package versions.

Each Content View creates a set of repositories across each environment, which Satellite Server stores and manages. When you promote a Content View from one environment to the next environment in the application life cycle, the respective repository on Satellite Server updates and publishes the packages.

  1. . Creating a Content View
  2. . Promoting a Content View

How to Create Activation Key to Allow Users to Register to Satellite Repo

  1. . Login to Red Hat Satellite
  2. . Go to Content > Activation Keys
  3. . Select Create Activation Key
  4. . Provide Name (i.e. RHEL79_SRV)
  5. . Provide Description (optional)
  6. . Select the Environment (i.e. RHEL7)
  7. . In the Content View drop down, select the Content View you want (i.e. RHEL79)
  8. . Click Save
  9. . You should now see the Activation Key which can be used during system registration, i.e.
subscription-manager register --org="org_name" --activationkey="RHEL79_SRV"

How to Unregister and Re-register to a new Satellite Repo

$ sudo subscription-manager remove --all
[sudo] password for user:
0 subscriptions removed at the server.

$ sudo subscription-manager unregister
Unregistering from:
System has been unregistered.

$ sudo subscription-manager clean
All local data removed

$ sudo subscription-manager register --force --org="org_name" --activationkey="RHEL8_SRV"
The system has been registered with ID: 1234abcd-123c-34fd-vc23-1111122222333
The registered system name is: <hostname>