Port Forwarding

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Configuration Settings For Your LAMP stack to work (old notes):

Useful: http://www.servermom.org/install-lamp-centos-7/1741/

(In case you get a new IP address... This was when I was first learning on my VMware box at home.)

Update Port forwarding to tell the router what the IP address is for this private server (since you got a new IP address). This will allow you to SSH into your VM from outside your network. Open your browser and enter your Gateway IP address to login:

Go to firewall settings and go to Port forwarding. Enter information for:

  • Description
  • Inbound Port: [22] to [22]
  • Format: TCP/UDP
  • Private IP Address: [Your new local IP Add]
  • Local Port: [22] to [22]

You should now be able to SSH into your VM from outside of your local network by using your public IP address.