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How to install kernel-devel in Oracle Linux 7

[+] Testing in my own environment.

     Oracle 7 - 3.10.0-1160.
       * Agent installation with --install-boot-driver was successful. Replicated until CDP.  `ce_disable_rmmod`  was indeed Y. 

 Now testing on attempting to test on the same kernel as the customer's. (Used Oracle Linux 7.9 ISO). 
 1) wget
 2) rpm -i kernel-uek-4.14.35-2047.517.3.el7uek.x86_64.rpm
 3) reboot
 4) Confirmed, it booted into the correct kernel:
     uname -r
 5) Installed the ce agent using --install-boot-driver
     sudo python ./ -t F8E3-5544-5E07-B3F2-A7A3-1A8D-DF3C-54B3-BDA9-6330-C8AA-2CC4-6E59-428E-294B-397C --install-boot-driver --compile  --no-prompt
 6) Keep failing to install. In my cloudendure.log, I see "kernel development package for '4.14.35-2047.517.3.el7uek.x86_64' are missing from repositories. 
   But in the customer's cloudendure.log, they don't have that either, but they were able to install the agent. 
   Tried running: `sudo yum install kernel-uek-devel-$(uname -r)`, no package available. I can only find the kernel-uek-devel package for another kernel (kernel-uek-devel-4.14.35-1818.1.x86_64.rpm  ). 
   yumdownloader kernel-uek-devel-4.14.35-2047.517.3.el7uek.x86_64 # THIS WORKED!!
   yum -y install libdtrace-ctf # This is a dependency to install kernel-uek-devel
   rpm -i kernel-uek-devel-4.14.35-2047.517.3.el7uek.x86_64.rpm
         ->>>> This helped:

[+] rpm -qi kernel-uek-4.14.35-2047.517.3.el7uek.x86_64.rpm

   Build Date: Wed 07 Sep

Can also find the kernel-uek-devel rpm files from here:

Setting Up Oracle 8 and DRS

1) Spin up Oracle 8 linux.

2) Set device configuration (Optional: with same LVM setup).

3) Set up steps: - turned networking on (via gui if you installed with gui). Confirmed ping works. - edit /etc/resolv.conf with the following and confirmed ping works:


4) Update kernel to kernel-uek-5.4.17-2136.321 and install gcc:

   # yum -y install gcc
   # yum -y update
   # sudo reboot

5) install DRS agent:

   $ wget -O ./aws-replication-installer-init
   $ chmod +x aws-replication-installer-init; sudo ./aws-replication-installer-init