From DikapediaV2
find - Search for files in a directory hierarchy.
find /dir -name "filename" # Searches up the "dir" directory with "filename" find /dir -iname "filename" # ^^^ does the same but insensitive. find /dir -emtpy # Searches up all the empty files in "dir" directory.
Displays the 5 LARGEST files in the directory THAT YOU ARE IN. (hence the dot (.)
find . -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sprt -n -r | head -5
Displays the 5 SMALLEST files in the directory THAT YOU ARE IN (hence the dot (.))
find . -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sprt -n | head -5
Other useful commands:
find /dir -type d # Searches all directories in the "dir" directory. find /dir -type f # Searches all files in the "dir" directory find /dir -type f -name ".*" # Displays HIDDEN FILES in "dir" directory find /dir -type d -name ".*" # Displays HIDDEN directories in "dir" directory find /dir -size +1M # Displays all files that 1 Megabyte or larger find /dir -size 2m # Displays all files that are exactly 2 Megabytes find /dir - size -1M # Displays all files that are less than 1 MB
To go through a directory, and add a "index.html" file into every other directory within that specific directory:
- This will find all directories (-type d) and for each, execute the command touch {}/index.html where {} is replaced by the path name of the directory. touch creates a file if it doesn't exist; if it does, touch does nothing.
- The \; at the end signifies the end of the touch command.
- Just replace top/level/directory by the proper path name for your web site.
find top/level/directory -type d -exec touch {}/index.html \;
Using the Find command to change permissions recursively
This changes the permissions of the files within the DocNav directory based on whether they are executables or not.
LOCDIR=DocNav; dzdo find ./${LOCDIR} -perm /u=x -exec chmod a+x {} \; && dzdo chmod -R a+r ./$LOCDIR